All in one wp Migration – Importing stuck at 100% in WordPress

By: Suriyal

All in one wp Migration – Importing stuck at 100% in WordPress

Table of Contents

    Do you have the following things in mind ? if yes, this tutorial is for you !

    1. I am using All in wp migration plugin in WordPress but can’t import, What is the solution ?
    2. I am using Cloudflare DNS and facing issues with migration.
    3. Importing stuck at 100% and nothing is happening, How to solve ?

    For this demo we are using the following technologies, software, platform…

    1. WordPress
    2. All-in-wp migration plugin
    3. Cloud hosting
    4. cPanel
    5. Cloudflare DNS


    In this tutorial we will try to solve the issue (stuck at 100%) we face during the import in all-in-one wp migration plugin. If you are using free version of all in one wp migration plugin and also using Cloudflare then follow the following steps to avoid the importing issues like stuck at 100%.

    Part A – Check and Ensure the followings

    Never share your credentials with unauthorized person or organization. Configuration files (e.g. – wp-config.php, .htaccess, etc.) are very sensitive and critical, to avoid misuse of these files always keep these securely and never share these type of files with anyone.

    Check with your Hosting Provider

    Check with your hosting provider to remove the file size limit if any. Also revalidate the requirement with your hosting provider so that they can make required changes for you.

    Edit you wp-config.php and .htaccess file

    You have two option to increase the file upload limit and other

    Option 1 : Wp-config file

    Open the wp-config.php file and ensure that the following lines of code are there with your desired limit. I have given the size for demo purpose, edit these values as per your requirements.

    I using cloud hosting with cPanel and following image is for your reference. Just click on the public_html folder and you will see the wp-config.php file there.

    @ini_set( 'upload_max_filesize' , '512M' );
    @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '512M');
    @ini_set( 'memory_limit', '256M' );
    @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );
    @ini_set( 'max_input_time', '300' );

    Option 2 : .htaccess file

    You can do the same using .htaccess file. Just click on the public_html folder and you will see the .htaccess file there.

    Enter the following code in your .htaccess file and save. Edit the following code as per your requirement because the value mentioned here are for demo purpose and will be different for every use case

    php_value upload_max_filesize 428M
    php_value post_max_size 428M
    php_value memory_limit 456M
    php_value max_execution_time 300
    php_value max_input_time 300

    Part B : Cloudflare Settings

    We will perform the following actions in Cloudflare so that we can use import functionality of all-in-one wp migration plugin.

    1. Login to Cloudflare and go to your websites

    2. Click on DNS

    3. Switch off proxy for CNAME record as shown in the following images.

    4. Switch off proxy for A record record as shown in the following images.

    Part C : Login to the control panel of WordPress and Test the Import

    Login in the control / admin panel of your WordPress website or refresh the page if already logged in. Perform the following actions

    1. Click on All-in-one wp migration and select import. I am using free version of wp-migration for this demo so I am select FILE option to import my file.

    2. As you can see in the following screen the import is working fine now.

    2. Click on proceed button to process the import

    The following is the final screen after successful import. Just click on the finish and validate your data of your websites.

    There are many other use cases where import in all-in-one wp migration can stuck like this. This tutorial is particularly handling the issue that is because of Cloudflare. If you have any question around this write in the comments.

    Thank you for reading this tutorial. Have a great learning experience !

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