Authentication Using Jetstream and Livewire in Laravel

By: Suriyal

Authentication Using Jetstream and Livewire in Laravel

Laravel Jetstream is good starter kit which provide implementation for login, registration, two factor authentication, etc. You can use Jetstream with two available frontend stack Livewire and inertia.js. We are using Laravel Livewire in this tutorial with Laravel Blade templating language.

Table of Contents

    Before You Start make sure you system is ready for Laravel

    Create Application

    I am using the ” AuthJetstreamLivewire ” name for this application. Enter the following command and hit enter

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel AuthJetstreamLivewire

    Create Database

    Create one database as shown in the following screen.

    I have created the ” AuthJetstreamLivewire ” database but you can give any name to the database.

    Connect this Laravel Jetstram Authentication Application with Database

    To connect this application with newly created database enter your database credentials in the .env file as shown in the following image. The credentials I am using here are only for demo purpose. You have to use your own credentials as per you development environment setup.

    Important : Never share your credentials with unauthorized persons or on unauthorized platforms


    Quick Check

    Run the following command to check if the Application is created successfully and things are working fine till now

    php artisan serve

    Enter the following url in the browser


    Install Jetstream Library

    Open the command prompt and type the following command to install Laravel Jetstream library

    composer require laravel/jetstream

    Install Jetstream With Livewire / Livewire Scaffolding Installation

    We have installed Jetstream using composer hence frontend stacks installation is required, We are using livewire in this Laravel 8 authentication tutorial. Type the following command in the command prompt and press enter.

    php artisan jetstream:install livewire
    OR livewire with team functionality
    php artisan jetstream:install livewire --teams

    As you can see in the following screen some new folders and files added after the above command




    Install npm dependencies for this Laravel 8 Jetstream Authentication Application

    Open the command prompt and type the following command to build your asset

    npm install && npm run dev

    Once installed successfully you will see the following screen

    Quick check after the npm install && npm run dev command

    Run the following command to check what will happen if you try to run the application

    Php artisan serve

    Type the following url in the browser and press enter


    You may see the following screen because we have not run the migration yet

    Run the Migration

    Type the following command to run the Migratio

    php artisan migrate

    You will see the following screen after successful migration

    Database and tables after migration

    You will see all default tables after the migrate command as shown in the following image

    Run the Laravel 8 Application & Final Test

    Type the following command in the command prompt

    Php artisan serve

    Type the following url in your browser


    You will see the following screen with Login and Registration link buttons

    Click on the Register link button and create one user of you choice

    Login using the credentials created during the above registration process

    After successful login you will the following screen

    User profile page view and available default options

    As you can see in the following screen the profile page has following options

    1. Update Your Profile Information
    2. Update or Change Password
    3. Two Factor Authentication – Enable and disable 2fa
    4. Browser Sessions – You can logout the users from different devices and browsers
    5. Delete Account

    Learn more about Jetstream

    Want to Learn about Laravel 8 Authentication Tutorial using Breeze

    Thank you for reading this tutorial
    Have a great learning !

    2 responses to “Authentication Using Jetstream and Livewire in Laravel”

    1. Good tutorial.. so we don’t need to publish the jetstream package to get it working?
      php artisan vendor:publish –tag=jetstream-views

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